Sana Mirza

Divine Attributes within the Astrological Wheel coinciding with each day in conjunction with its overpowering letter manifestation starting with the letter “Alif”(1): 1.Divine Essence, 2.The One Who Calls Forth, 3.The Hidden, 4.The Last, 5.The Manifest, 6.The Wise, 7.The One Who Encompasses All, 8.The Grateful, 9.The Independent, 10.The Powerful, 11.The Lord, 12.The Knowing, 13.The Victorious, 14.The Light, 15.The Giver of Forms, 16.The Reckoner, 17.The Evident, 18.The One Who Causes Contraction, 19.The Living, 20.The One Who Gives Life, 21.The One Who Stays, 22.The Precious, 23.The One Who Nourishes, 24.The One Who Humbles, 25.The Strong, 26.The Subtle, 27.The One Who Gathers, 28.The One Who Possesses Sublime Degrees The Wheel also includes the corresponding sun sign for each period and moon phases for each day, along with the planet and element that rules. All create a certain energy that manifests certain outcomes for that day. Above All: God’s Will Be Done

Oh, you who believe: Obey Allah, obey the Messenger, and obey those in authority among you. (Holy Qur’an: Chapter 4, Verse 59) The ship is symbolic of the testing one must go through in life to achieve perfection of self. The disciplining of ego is the ultimate sacrifice and is the essence of the Islamic message of submission. It is achieved through the means of obeying those above us in authority; one’s sincerity and level of devotion is revealed through one’s level of obedience. This verse expresses the qualities of having trust and faith in a higher power that supports us like water, that holds up a ship in an ocean, in our ultimate journey of reaching perfection. The three stations towards perfection are expressed in this verse: Ihsan (sincerity); Iman (faith); Islam (submission).

In the name of God, Most Gracious, Most Merciful Are you awakening to the Shams in you? Guiding each step to align you better with your own immaculate light — To the light of your own light. Like an illuminated mirror shining through you. As the light brightens, the soul enlightens to the greater hidden wisdoms and knowledge of your own being. What makes you uniquely you beyond conditioning? What is the sky in you that shines bright in the light of you? A light, a portal by your side — Until all that is left that is really you but light itself. Reach for your true home, your new beginning, in every new moment. God bless the birds for expressing that, and the dancing humans who remember that. Acrylic ink, gold mica, on watercolor paper

Divine Attributes within the Astrological Wheel coinciding with each day in conjunction with its overpowering letter manifestation starting with the letter “Alif”(1): 1.Divine Essence, 2.The One Who Calls Forth, 3.The Hidden, 4.The Last, 5.The Manifest, 6.The Wise, 7.The One Who Encompasses All, 8.The Grateful, 9.The Independent, 10.The Powerful, 11.The Lord, 12.The Knowing, 13.The Victorious, 14.The Light, 15.The Giver of Forms, 16.The Reckoner, 17.The Evident, 18.The One Who Causes Contraction, 19.The Living, 20.The One Who Gives Life, 21.The One Who Stays, 22.The Precious, 23.The One Who Nourishes, 24.The One Who Humbles, 25.The Strong, 26.The Subtle, 27.The One Who Gathers, 28.The One Who Possesses Sublime Degrees The Wheel also includes the corresponding sun sign for each period and moon phases for each day, along with the planet and element that rules. All create a certain energy that manifests certain outcomes for that day. Above All: God’s Will Be Done
Sana is a self-taught artist of spirit exploring and practicing Islamic Art for almost two decades, after being guided to it by world-renowned Scholar and Sufi Saint, Shaykh Hisham Kabbani. She was born in Quetta; Pakistan, mainly raised in B.C. Canada, and now resides in Houston Texas; U.S.A. Her work has been displayed in some of the most prestigious galleries around the country with publications in various media outlets such as Houston Chronicle, and NPR. After living a seclusive lifestyle and suffering from heumatoid Arthritis since her early teens, that left her hands deformed, she was blessed with a miraculous divine intervention of pure love —exactly at age 33— that led to a mystical awakening of an explosion and expansion of consciousness and heart —taking quantum leaps into unseen territories she never imagined even existed prior, serving as a great influence on her work since then. While also undergoing a tumultuous, yet intriguingly adventurous and fast paced, journey of transforming her base traits (pennies) into gold —after hearing a mystical voice revealing that this process has begun. In other words, it calls for, a transmutational yet transformative journey of releasing all mind controlling programming and trauma related obstacles that prevent the path of ascension into higher timelines of success to unfold. In short, her work can best be described as a mesh of traditional Arabic calligraphy, and bold yet detailed illumination, with a hint of contemporary trends —with themes of alchemy, archetypal symbolism, Sufi mysticism, and universal mysteries combined as one. Each piece is a dual expression of her life’s journey into meditative states and the unveilings created by the process of profound divine synchronicities —with an all-pervasive quality of the metaphysical. As a result of all this it becomes: divine art, in its truest sense, embodied —With love as the underlying energy.